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Wichful handheld sandwiches were designed to help add nutrition into your packed day.

Cali Chicken Club is our veggie-packed twist on a classic sandwich combo. Made with white meat chicken breast, smashed avocado, uncured bacon, and bonus veggies: bell peppers and spinach. Like all of our sandwiches, filling is stuffed inside whole grain bread.

Each package contains 2 individually-wrapped Wichful sandwiches.


Thawing Instructions:

Simply set sandwich on counter and thaw at room-temperature for 3 hours.

For quick-thaw: Place sandwich (unopened) on microwave-safe plate. Microwave on high for 40 seconds. Turn over. Microwave on high for 40 seconds. Let sandwich stand 1 minute to continue to thaw.

Note: Enjoy sandwiches within 10 hours after removing from freezer. Do not re-freeze.

    Regular price $7.00
    Regular price Sale price $7.00
    Sale Sold out

    For a 2-pack

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